Tuesday, December 4, 2018

A Puzzle for Logan –ORAL work

A Puzzle for Logan -- by Richard MacAndrew


Act. 0__Check the 6 mistakes
Inspector Jenny Logan had spending holidays when Grag, her partner called to her. He said in the phone that a criminal Campbell,who murdered the man 7 years ago escaped from prison. 
At the same time, a woman were murdered in Logan's town. She said that she had saw Cambell and the man murdered 7 years ago were arguing before he was arrested. 
Is this crime related to woman's death? Who killed her?
Why Campbell escaped from prison in this time? 
 Logan and Grag solve a "puzzle" good combination and intelligence


STUDENT B     Morag                           STUDENT A: Baxter
Morag Mackenzie demanded more money from Baxter to keep quiet about lying to the police.


  STUDENT B     Tam MacDonald.     STUDENT A : The presenter of TV5
Imagine you are Tam MacDonald.  Explain   the story of the Baxter murders for your TV Channel5

OPEN  DISCUSSION:   Campbell was sent to prison for fifteen years.
                                     How long do you think Baxter should stay in prison?


A Puzzle for Logan –ORAL work
Match the chapter titles and sentences from each chapter.

·         Chapter 1      An escape and a murder
·         Chapter 2      A visit to Jimmy Brown
·         Chapter 3      The ‘main man’
·         Chapter 4      Bags of money
·         Chapter 5      Questions for Robert Baxter

a ‘I think he’s someone important … but she’s never told me.’
b ‘Someone’s found a young woman’s body in Holyrood Park.’
c ‘Did you ever know a man called Craig Sinclair?’
d Their knock was answered by a young fair-haired man who badly needed a bath …
e ‘I thought he was telling me that he was going to become very rich …’

Chapter  2
Look at page 12, paragraph one. Logan asks herself six questions.
Read them aloud and let your parner answer them.

Chapter 5
1.    Match the beginnings and endings.

1 People used to call Baxter ‘Bags’
2 Now Baxter was a rich and important man who
3 People were too frightened to talk about Baxter
4 Baxter said that he had not met Morag Mackenzie and
5 Logan and Grant weren’t sure if Baxter
6 Also, Baxter used his right hand
7 Grant thought it was strange,

A    was probably behind much of the crime in Edinburgh.
B    was Morag Mackenzie’s main man.
C    to hold his tennis racket.
D    that Baxter wasn’t surprised at Logan’s questions.
E    did not know Craig Sinclair.
F    so the police couldn’t get information on him.
G   because he had once stolen an old lady’s handbag.

Chapter 6.    Put these events in the right order.

a Campbell was taken to London Road Police station.
b Tam MacDonald stopped him from getting away.
c Tam told Logan that he’d followed Campbell from Holyrood Park.
d Logan and Grant started to drive towards Princes Street.
e Campbell tried to escape from Logan and Grant.
f Tam MacDonald phoned Logan to say he’d seen Campbell in Princes Street.

Chapter 7.  Match Campbell’s replies to what Grant and Logan say to him.
1 ‘I think you escaped so you could find Morag and murder her …’
2 ‘But you did know where she lived, didn’t you?’
3 ‘Where did you spend the night?’
4 ‘So what happened when you went to see her?’
5 ‘And Morag?’

a ‘Yes, I did … I know someone who knows her.’
b ‘She hadn’t told the truth … and I wanted to know why.’
c ‘I didn’t see her.’
d ‘Holyrood Park.’
e ‘Stop it! … I didn’t kill Morag Mackenzie and I didn’t kill Craig Sinclair.’

AND …  Why does Morag Mackenzie lie to the police?

Chapter 11.  Complete the summary with the names of the characters.

The fingerprints on the envelope and the knife belonged to ........................ . Logan told him that ........................... had seen him leave ......................... body in Beaverhall Road and had remembered
his car number. Finally, Baxter said that he had murdered ........................ and had made the police believe that ......................... was the killer. Also, he had paid ........................... to tell the police that
she’d seen ........................... with ........................... on the night of the murder. When ......................... escaped from prison, ................................. had demanded more money from .................... , who killed her to keep her quiet.

Robert  Baxter  -  Ronnie Campbell  -  Gus MacLeod  - Morag Mackenzie   - Craig Sinclair

Monday, December 3, 2018

Success and failure in languages__question yourself

Build  three questions 
on each of these two quotes:

Quote one (Shimon Peres'):

"Optimists and pessimists die the same way, 
but they live very different lives! 
I prefer to be an optimist."

question 1:..........................................

question 2:..........................................

question 3:..........................................

Now, three questions
 on  quote two (Beckett's):

"Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try Again. Fail again. Fail better."

question 1:..........................................

question 2:..........................................

question 3:..........................................

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

a friend - Malaylam language

സുഹൃത്തുക്കള്‍, ഒരു പട്ടിക
 (suhrutthukkal; oru pattika)

ജി. കെ . ചെസ്റ്റെര്‍ട്ടണ്‍

എനിക്കൊരു സുഹൃത്തിനെ അറിയാം, വളരെ നല്ലവളും ശക്തയുമായ ഒരുവള്‍.
ലോകത്തിലേക്കേറ്റവും നല്ല സുഹൃത്ത്.

എനിക്ക് മറ്റൊരു സുഹൃത്തിനെ അറിയാം, മൃദുലവും നിഗൂവുമായ സ്വഭാവമുള്ളവന്‍.
തീര്‍ച്ചയായും അവന്‍ ഈ ലോകത്തിലേക്ക് വച്ചു ഏറ്റവും നല്ല സുഹൃത്ത് തന്നെ.

എനിക്ക് മറ്റൊരു സുഹൃത്തിനെ അറിയാം, നിശ്ശബ്ദനും ആകര്‍ഷണീയനുമായ ഒരുവന്‍
അവനെപ്പോലെ നല്ല മറ്റൊരു സുഹൃത്തിനെ കണ്ടെത്താന്‍ കഴിയില്ല.

എനിക്ക് ഒരു സുഹൃത്തിനെ അറിയാം, ഒരു സമസ്യ പോലെ രഹസ്യം നിറഞ്ഞവള്‍.
എല്ലാത്തിലും വച്ചു നല്ലവളാണ് ആ സുഹൃത്ത്.

എനിക്ക് മറ്റൊരാളെയും അറിയാം. യുക്തിയും ഉത്സാഹവുമുള്ളവള്‍.
എല്ലാവരെക്കാളും മെച്ചമാണ് അവള്‍.

എനിക്ക് മറ്റൊരു സുഹൃത്തുണ്ട്, യൌവ്വനവും വേഗതയും തികഞ്ഞവള്‍
കൂട്ടത്തില്‍ വച്ചു ഏറ്റവും പ്രിയങ്കരിയായ സുഹൃത്ത്.

എനിക്ക് ഇതുപോലെ ഒരുപാടുപേരെ അറിയാം, അവരെല്ലാം ഇതുപോലെ തന്നെയാണ്.

Friends: a list  (by G.K. Chesterton)
I know a friend, very strong and good. 
      She is the best friend in the world.
I know another friend, subtle and sensitive. 
      He is certainly the best friend on earth.
I know another friend: very quiet and charming; 
      there is no friend as good as he.
I know another friend, who is enigmatical and secretive; 
      she is the best of all.
I know yet another: who is sensible and enthusiastic; 
       she is much better than the rest.
I know another, who is young and very quick: 
       the most beloved of all friends.
I know a lot more and they are all like that.

Friday, October 19, 2018

ERROR DETECTOR_ WR_01_ Marta is the perfect au-pair for Angela

 WR_01_ Introduce an au-pair. 
Answer's to Angela's message (Efile, page 113)

Dear Angela,

I am writting you to introduce Marta.

Marta is  very interested person. I know her really good. She is like you, so... I think I met Marta perfectly.

She want to knows another countries, that let her to be a new experiences and learn her english. She likes people and her sister is younger than she. She is in the mid-twenties, althoug her aperiance is more younger.

We met when she comes to my granny's house three years ago, for to looks after my little cousins, the childrens  had 8 and 5  years. I hope our friendship will lasted for much years to come.

What can I say about her? Marta is a good-
tempered, hardworker, responsable. Also, she is a good cooking!

Some other things about Marta, she used to win the basketball competitions. Now she loves both do exercise and going to the theatre.

Love, xxo


PS: my brother Isaac passed her medicine entry exam!



WR_01_ Introduce an au-pair.  
Correct your answer to Angela's message.

Dear Angela,

I am writting you to introduce Marta.

Marta is  ___ very interested person. I know her really good. She is like you, so... I think I met Marta perfectly.

She want  to knows  another countries, that let her to be a new experiences and learn her english. She likes people and her  sister is younger than she. She is in the mid-twenties, althoug her aperiance is more younger.

We met when she comes to my granny's house three years ago, for to looks after my little cousins, the childrens  had 8 and 5  years. I hope our friendship will lasted for much years to come.

What can I say about her? Marta is a good-tempered, hardworker, responsable. Also, she is a good cooking!

Some other things about Marta, she used to wins the basketball competitions. Now she loves both do exercise and going to the theatre.


xxxooo / xoxoxo


PS: my brother Isaac passed her medicine entry exam!



________EXPLAIN all of them (classify the different mistakes)

  • spelling
  • syntax
  • wrong verb form
  • wrong tense
  • extra word
  • missing word
  • wrong concordance (sing-plural)

  • others....


Dear Angela,

BIT 1_

I am writing you to introduce Marta.

Marta is  a very interesting person. I know her really  well.

She is like you, so... I think  YOU will get on well with Marta / you will find her almost perfect/very entusiastic....

BIT 2_

She wants  to know  other countries,

that let her ___  have__ a new experience____ and learn ____  English.

She likes people and her  sister is younger than her.

She is in the mid-twenties, although her appearance is much younger.

BIT 3_

We met when she came__ to my granny's house three years ago, ____ to look__ after my little cousins, the children__  were 8 and 5  years. I hope our friendship will last for many years to come.

BIT 4_

What can I say about her? Marta is a good-tempered, hardworking AND responsible. Also, she is a good cook__!

BIT 5_

Some other things about Marta, she used to wins the basketball competitions. Now she loves both do exercise and going to the theatre.


xxxooo / xoxoxo


PS: my brother Isaac passed his medicine entry exam!

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