Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Worksheet_39. Time for Christmas


Worksheet_39.  FLUENCY_  ONE passages to say aloud


U4. ORAL TASK-A. Say 4-5 words in groups. Listen to yourself.

 When it is quite acceptable…  Record your voice.



Passage   14/12/2020.  Time for Christmas


___________ Set1

  Man: Hello to you, kids. Christmas is coming.  Any presents in mind? what about you, Emily? What do you want for Christmas?

Emily: I would like to have a Barbie radio, um, I would like two Nancy dolls. And you Micky?

Micky: it doesn’t matter what presents I get.


___________   Set2

Man: Wow. Well, I’m excited, and Santa is coming. And how is Santa going to get inside the house, Micky? Any ideas?

Micky:  difficult to guess, perhaps going down the chimney!

Man: Okay, so he’s going to go down the chimney, and can you prepare anything for Santa?

Emily: Yeah! We can prepare some cookies for him ... and perhaps some hot chocolate,


___________   Set3

Man: What are we going to prepare for his animals, Emily?

Emily: Um. um, we can give Rudolph some  cookies. And we could give the other reindeers some hot chocolate in a bowl.

Man: Well, what do you think? They, Um, reindeer probably don’t eat cookies, but what else could we give them, Micky?

Micky: Um, what about fruit? I would like to buy some  apples.

Man: Ah, that’s good. And, what else? . . .

Emily: I would like to buy Oranges and bananas.


___________   Set4

Man: Okay and what time do you think we all should go to bed?

Micky: Um, what about  half past seven? too early?

Emily: Um, quarter to eight? too late?

Man:  Good time to have a rest! Well, that’s exciting. I’m really happy that Christmas is coming with all the gifts from Santa.

ORIGINAL VERSION –on the excellent Randal laboratory

             A gift   for Chrismas        .    


Thursday, December 3, 2020

Worksheet_36. FLUENCY_ Two dialogues -DESTINATION -

 FLUENCY_   December

Worksheet_36.    DESTINATION Two dialogues - 

help from the marvelous, fantastic, amazing  and succesful 

   Mr Randall Listening webpages 

u2. ORAL TASK-A. Repeat the fast dialogues. 

     Review the way we say the vocabulary, the word groups and the sample sentences.

      When it is quite acceptable  Record your voice.

                              Passage 1.  TRAIN TICKETS                                            

Man: Uh, where am I?   where am I?, hum . . .

Woman: Excuse me. Do you need any help?

Man: No, I .. I’m just looking  well  [Okay ] Uh, well, really, uh 

      I want to go to the science museum, 

     but  I’m really lost, lost  for the past  two hours, 

     and I can’t understand these ticket machines.

Woman: Ah, well, just press this button. [Oh, yes] 

      And from here, it’s a dollar fifty.

Man: Okay.

Woman: Then, get on the train at platform number 4.

Man: Alright. And how often do the trains come and go

         this time of day?

Woman: Usually, they come  every six minutes.

Man: Okay. And where do I get off the train?

Woman: Get off at Queen Street Station, three stops from here.

Man: Okay. I got it. Thanks for your help.

WomanNo problem. Good luck.

Passage 2.  Tokyo Travel Guide


Man: I am here! Ok, ... Let me see now. 

Which train do I need to take?

Woman: Excuse me. Do you need any help?

Man: Yes, I want to go to Tokyo Tower, but I’m really lost. 

This is my first visit to Japan, 

so I have no idea on what or how 

to do things here.

Woman: Take it easy... First, 

    you need to buy a ticket to your destination. [Um-huh] 

    From here, it’s a hundred and thirty yen.

Man: A hundred thirty yen. Okay.

Woman: Then, get on the Hiya Subway Line at platform number 4.

Man: Number 4, alright. Oh, and 

    how often do the trains come around this time of day?

Woman: Usually, they come about every six minutes or so.

Man: Alright. And where do I get off the train?

Woman: Get off at Kamiyao Station, three stops from here. 

The sign at the station is written in English, 

      so you’ll be able to read it.

Man: Three stops. Got it. Thanks for your help.

WomanNo problem. Good luck.

ORAL TASK B. Now, repeat and  read along ALOUD with the conversation. What are the important difficulties? Underline them.    

  WHY? Try again…. Practise the task 2a  two more times

Passage 1.    TRAIN TICKETS


Passage 2. Tokyo Travel Guide



Thursday, November 26, 2020

Worksheet_35. FLUENCY_ Two dialogues _ TIMES


Worksheet_35.  FLUENCY_ Two dialogues _ TIMES

U3. ORAL TASK-A. Repeat the dialogues. Review the way we say the vocabulary and the sample sentences.  When it is quite acceptable…  Record your voice.

Passage 1.  Daily Timetable

Woman: So, like what’s your usual day? You always seem so busy.

Man: I get up around 5:00 a.m. & work on the computer until 2:00 a.m.

Woman: So, Why do you get up so early?

Man: Well, I have to leave home at twenty to seven so I can catch a bus at 7:00 o’clock . It takes me about 20 minutes to walk to the bus-stop from my house.

Woman: And so, ... what time do you get to work?

Man: Uh, my bus takes about an hour to get there, but it stops just in front of my office.

Woman: That’s nice. And so,.. what time do you get off work?

Man: Uh, around 5:00 o’clock. Then, we eat dinner around 6:30, and my wife and I, we read and we play with the kids until 8:00.

Woman: So, tell me ... when do you work on your personal website? The website that you self-made at home.

Man: My wife and I, we often watch TV or talk until 10:00 o’clock. She then often reads while I work on my website, and I sometimes stay up late working, but I try to finish everything about 2:00 a.m.

Woman: And then you get up at 5:00 a.m.?

Man: Well, yeah, but it’s important to live a balanced life. I enjoy what I do, but you have to have the time for the family and yourself.

Woman: Wonderful busy life.

For a real dialogue: go to ... super Randall website




        Passage 2.  Hotel reservation                     

Hotel Clerk: Hello. Sunnyside HOTEL. Can  I  help you?

Man: Yes, I'd like  to reserve  a room  for two people

                   on the 21st of March.

Clerk: Okay. Let me check our computer here. The 21st of May, right?

Man: No..... in March,   not  in May.

Clerk: Oh, sorry. Let me see here. Hmmm.

Man: Are you full that night?

Clerk: Well, we have one suite free, 

      complete with a little kitchen and a sauna bath. 

      And the view of the city   is really great, too.

Man: How much is that?

Clerk: It’s only $200 dollars,  plus a 10% room tax.

Man: Oh, that’s a little expensive   for me. 

      Do you have a cheap room   on the 20th?  or the 22nd...

Clerk: It is possible ..., would_you_like  a smoking room

       or  would_you_like   a non-smoking room?

Man: Non-smoking, please.

Clerk: I have 2 rooms free   on the 20th; but it's full  on the 22nd.

Man: Well, how much is the non-smoking room on the 20th?

Clerk: $80 dollars, plus the 10% room tax.

Man: Okay, that is really fine.

Clerk: All right. Can I have your name, please?

Man: Yes. Bob Maexner.

Clerk: How do you spell   your last name, Mr. Maexner?

Man: M-A-E-X-N-E-R.

Clerk: Okay, Mr. Maexner, see you   on_March_the_20th.



ORAL TASK B.   After practising  6 times, 

                           If, you understand the text,.....

Now, repeat and  read along ALOUD with the conversation. 

What are the important difficulties? Underline them.      

WHY? Try again…. Practise the task 2a  two more times.

Passage 1.  Daily Timetable


  Passage 2.  Hotel reservation         

  For a real dialogue: go to ...  wonderful esl-lab website


Sunday, November 22, 2020

newsletter in November -reading PRACTICE


ALL  OUR November newsletters  translated   


Quant podem entendre dels texts de clase?  

Cal aprendre moltes paraules

   (30%? Not bad!! 

   55? Quite good?
   77% really good! 

   85% is GREAT

  MAKE my English great this year! 

1a-1b –   our  newsletter    unit2-  week6  __  6  November

Hola, repassem el que hem fet aquesta setmana. Ara, animar-se a investigar la llengua anglesa.  Quant podem entendre dels texts de clase?  (30%? Not bad!! 55? Quite good? 77% really good! 85% is GREAT.  MAKE my English great this year! Cal aprendre moltes paraules. Avui text en anglès davant!



Hi, Now a complication activity. How many words are incomprehensible? 27? 18? 11? Help yourself.

This week we entered unit 2. Colours and things we have. Day after day, we are more familiar with our language course. Unit1 Express yourself is finished.

Objectives:  Study more words. WHY? To get fluent saying basic expressions/phrases.


Do 3 things:  1.  Study unit 2. A-B.    Say the words ALOUD. Say them again. With short passages, P.C.R. (Practice. Copy. Repeat).  We studied 2.  I have a Honda  (https://www.eslfast.com/easydialogs/ec/dailylife002.htm )


Do you know:  our 7 Questions words (who, what, when, where, how, how many, why?  Yes, of course / I don’t know/

                             Our 7 very basic connectors  and, or, but, so, if, because, then ) ?    …..    Yes  / doubts  / I don’t know/

What to do for our week 7, Tue 10- Fri 13. 

.1. Study the language we read in class, the units of books, ths transcripts from passages, …

.2. Study 12. Fruit Shop   before Tuesday:  https://www.eslfast.com/begin1/b1/b1012.htm


In your moodle the precise info is in Class SUMMARY:  Week after week work.  Click there.

See you again in your  MEET group on THURSDAYS. See the links:

1a-1b –   our  newsletter    unit2-  week7  __  13  November


Hola, repassem el que hem fet aquesta setmana. Ara, animar-se a ESCOLTAR la llengua anglesa QUE JO MATEIX PARLO.  Quant podem entendre dels texts de classe!  Cal aprendre moltes paraules en texts. Avui text en anglès davant!


Hi, Now a complication activity. How many words are incomprehensible in the texts we read? Not many! In the passages I listen?  “Quite a lot”, I hear you say….

This week we are quite at the end of unit 2. Day after day, we are more familiar with our grammar elements: more nouns, more verbs, more connectors (a new one: SO).

Objectives:  Pronounce your little texts (20-30 seconds).  You want to get fluent (not individual words) saying basic expressions/phrases. In this way, you can think what you say.                               

Do 3 things:  1. Study unit 2. C. and do Revise and Check   (pages 30-31)

2.  Do activities on 2 reading texts. (2A. Sam and Jemma, 2B. Malcolm). Use the useful dictionary

3.  Say them again. With short passages, P.C.R. (Practice. Copy. Repeat).  We studied Worksheet_29  https://esl-filoxenia.blogspot.com/2020/11/worksheet29-fluency-three-passages-to.html

What to do for our week 8, Tue 17- Mon 23. 

.1. Study the language we read in class, the units of books, the transcripts from passages, …

.2. Study  Worksheet_29   with the audio of 3 passages in the webpage before Tuesday: 

1a-1b –   our  newsletter    unit3-  week8  __  20  November


Hola, repassem el que hem fet aquesta setmana. Ara, animar-se a ESCOLTAR la llengua anglesa QUE JO MATEIX ja PARLO una mica.  Quant podem entendre dels texts de classe!  Cal aprendre moltes paraules en texts. Ara sempre …..  text en anglès davant!


Hi, Now a complication activity. This week we are studying the unit 3_Routines and jobs. Day after day, we are more familiar with our SYNTAX: IDENTIFY the grammar elements (nouns, adjectives, verbs, connectors).


Do 3 things:     1. Study unit 3A-B.


2.  Do OUR first composition:  My favourite thing. Copy it in our moodle_ UNIT 3, click on editing there.

3.  Say WorksheeT 32  again. With short passages, P.C.R. (Practice. Copy. Repeat). 



What to do for our week 9, Tue 24- Mon 30. 

.1. Study the language we read in class, the units of books, the transcripts from passages, …

.2. Study  Fluency Worksheets  (29 + 32):  Pronounce any little texts (10+10+15 seconds).  You want to get fluent (not single words) saying basic expressions/phrases. In this way, you can think what you say.


In your moodle the precise info is in Class SUMMARY:  Week after week work.  Click there.

See you again in your  MEET group on THURSDAYS. See the links:

     1A  ....   https://meet.google.com/grm-tgzr-ezg    //      1B  ....   meet.google.com/mro-zssb-fvg


1a-1b –   our  newsletter    unit3-  week9  __  27  November


Hola, ara a  animar-se a ESCRIURE alguna cosa; RELLEGIR  amb  llengua anglesa; i  escoltar-SE!!!  


Hi, Now a piece of information about timetable: Thursday 10 December, class in the EOI –NOT online. This week we are doing the unit 3.  Do 3 things:     

1. Study unit 3A-B-C. Plus Vocabulary bank TIME (p.243)

2.  OUR first compositions:  

NEW:   UNIT 3, click on pink Circle there.         https://padlet.com/mcasti62/pmxntpwrn4eh

OLD: My favourite thing. Copy it in our moodle_ UNIT 3, Open your group and click on editing there.

3.  Studied WorksheeT 35 . With short passages, P.C.R. (Practice. Copy. Repeat). 



What to do for our week 10, Tue  24- Mon 30. 

.1. units 3A-B-C and Workbook.  Practise the time at unit 3. Vocabulary with the two links Zero mistakes!!! Plus Vocabulary bank  FAMILY (p.241)


.2. Study  Fluency Worksheets  (29 + 32+ 35):  Practice both texts, adapted and listen to original one. All the FLUENCY sheets the last line after  Class SUMMARY:  Week after week work.  Click there.


3. READER:  Island for Sale (pages 1-10).  Mark the words new, unknown to you.  How many??

   ====  ====  === ==   =   ==    ===    ====  =====



  newsletter    unit3-  week9  __  27  November

Hola, ara hi ha una informació sobre l’horari: dijous 10 de desembre, classe a l’EOI –NO en línia. Aquesta setmana estem fent la unitat 3. Feu 3 coses:

1. Unitat d’estudi 3A-B-C.

2. LES NOSTRES primeres composicions:

NOU: UNITAT 3, feu clic al cercle rosa allà.

VELL: El  meu objecte preferit. Copieu-lo al nostre moodle_ UNIT 3, feu clic a editar allà

3.  Torneu a dir la Worksheet-35. Amb passatges curts, P.C.R. (Pràctica. Copia. Repeteix).


        Què fer per la setmana 10.

Què fer per la nostra setmana 10, dimarts 24 - dilluns 30.

.1. unitats 3A-B-C i Quadern de treball. Practicar el temps a la unitat 3. Secció de Vocabulari amb els dos enllaços Zero errors !!! Plus Banc de vocabulari FAMÍLIA (pàg.241)

.2. Study Fluency Worksheets (29 + 32+ 35): Practicar els dos textos, adaptats i escoltar-ne un de original. Tots els fulls de FLUENCY es realitzen a l'última línia després de la classe RESUM: setmana rere setmana. Feu clic allà.

.3. LECTURAIsland for Sale (pàgines 1-10). Marqueu les paraules noves, desconegudes per a vosaltres. Quantes??

      STOP!  Tindrem una pròxima  NEWSLETTER  en 7 dies.  ______________________________________

  newsletter    unit3-  week8  __  20  November

Ara una activitat de comprension.  Aquesta setmana estudiem la unitat 3_Rutines i feines. Dia rere dia, coneixem més el nostre SINTAXI: IDENTIFICA els elements gramaticals (substantius, adjectius, verbs, connectors).

            Feu 3 coses: 1. Unitat d’estudi 3A-B.

2. Feu la NOSTRA primera composició: El  meu objecte preferit. Copieu-lo al nostre moodle_ UNIT 3, feu clic a editar allà

3.  Torneu a dir la Worksheet-32. Amb passatges curts, P.C.R. (Pràctica. Copia. Repeteix).


        Què fer per la setmana 9.

.1. Study the language we read in class, the units of books, the transcripts from passages, …

.2. Study  Worksheet_32   Pronuncia els propis petits textos (20-30 segons). Voleu parlar amb fluïdesa (no paraules individuals) dient expressions / frases bàsiques. D’aquesta manera, podeu pensar el que dieu.


Al vostre moodle, la informació precisa es troba a la classe RESUM: Treball setmana rere setmana. Feu clic allà.

Ens veiem de nou al vostre grup MEET els DIJOUS. Consulteu els enllaços

STOP!  Tindrem una pròxima  NEWSLETTER  en 7 dies. ____________________________

 newsletter    unit2-  week7  __  13  November

Ara una activitat de comprension. Quantes paraules són incomprensibles en els texts que llegim a classe?

En els passatges que escoltem? Us escolto dir : “bastantes moltes!”

Aquesta setmana anem fent per acabar la part de la unitat 2. Colors i coses que tenim. Dia rere dia, coneixem a poc a poc els elements lingüistics: més noms, més verbs, més connector (un de nou: “Així (que)”).


Pronuncia els propis petits textos (20-30 segons). Voleu parlar amb fluïdesa (no paraules individuals) dient expressions / frases bàsiques. D’aquesta manera, podeu pensar el que dieu.


Feu 3 coses: 1. Unitat d’estudi 2. C. i feu una revisió i comprovació (pàgines 30-31)

2. Feu activitats sobre 2 textos de lectura. (2A. Sam i Jemma, 2B. Malcolm). Utilitzeu el diccionari útil.

3. Torneu a dir-los. Amb passatges curts, P.C.R. (Pràctica. Copia. Repeteix). Vam estudiar el full de treball_29


Què fer per la setmana 7 (dimarts 10 - divendres 13).

            .1. Estudieu el llenguatge que llegim a classe, unitats dels llibres,  transcripcions dels passatges, …

.           2. Estudi full de treball_29 abans de dimarts – escoltatn els texts gravats online.


Al vostre moodle, la informació precisa es troba a la classe RESUM: Treball setmana rere setmana. Feu clic allà.

Ens veiem de nou al vostre grup MEET els DIJOUS. Consulteu els enllaços:


STOP!  Tindrem una pròxima  NEWSLETTER  en 7 dies.


 newsletter    unit2-  week6  __  6  November

Ara una activitat de comprension. Quantes paraules són incomprensibles? Ajuda't a tu mateix. Aquesta setmana hem iniciat la unitat 2. Colors i coses que tenim. Dia rere dia, coneixem més el nostre curs d’idiomes.

Objectius: estudiar més paraules. PER QUÈ? Per conèixer amb fluïdesa expressions / frases bàsiques.


Feu 3 coses: 1. Estudiar   unit 2. A-B. Digues les paraules EN-VEU-ALTA. Torneu a dir-les. Amb passatges curts, P.C.R. (Pràctica. Copia. Repeteix). Vam estudiar el text 2. Tinc un Honda


Sabeu: les nostres 7 paraules  per preguntar (qui, què, quan, on, com, quantes, per què?   Sí, és clar / no ho sé /

         Els nostres 7 connectors molt bàsics (i, o, però, per tant, si, perquè, aleshores)? ... .. Sí/dubtes/ no ho sé /


Què fer per la setmana 7 (dimarts 10 - divendres 13).

            .1. Estudieu el llenguatge que llegim a classe, unitats dels llibres,  transcripcions dels passatges, …

.           2. Estudi text 12. Fruiteria abans de dimarts:

Al vostre moodle, la informació precisa es troba a la classe RESUM: Treball setmana rere setmana. Feu clic allà.

Ens veiem de nou al vostre grup MEET els DIJOUS. Consulteu els enllaços:


STOP!  Tindrem una pròxima  NEWSLETTER  en 7 dies.

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