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Sunday, November 14, 2010

Lang 8.1. Luck is all around. Wish me the best of luck

Lang 8. Luck is all around
Lang 8.1.  Wish me the best of luck                                     3-4-5  level        20-25 min

GOAL. To encourage the curiosity of finding  word collocations activities.

TASK 1. Read this three statements and decide if you agree with them:
1.     Believers in good luck will experience a net gain in their fortunes, as it is likely to be self-reinforcing.
2.     People who consider themselves "lucky" in having good health may be actually reaping the benefits of a cheerful outlook
3.     Bad luck may be a false idea, but which may produce negative thinking and alter one's responses for the worse.
I agree ........................ ...................................... ...................................... ................... ...................
I disagree ........................ ...................................... ...................................... ................... ...................

TASK2. When we deal with a word we have to look at collocations. Fill in the blanks with the words in the box below:
 deserted            try                          hard                a stroke              down on someone’s                     tough          ran  out              beginner’s              pure                           bring                          a run                     took a turn         sheer      
1. With adjectives, besides  good and bad, it collocates with ............., .............., ..............  or ............
2. With verbs: push luck,  ..........  one’s luck, ...........   luck, be out of luck, be .............................. luck
3. With phrases: ......................... of good luck, ................ of luck, ......................... luck
4. As a subject: luck ...................   someone, luck ......................... for the worse,  luck ........................

TASK3. Read the following text and underline the unlucky events you find there.
If you have heard the expression ‘when it rains, it pours’ it means that one unlucky independent event, bunches into another. We all know the Murphy’s law: if something can be wrong, it will. For the pessimistic, "Bad things happen in threes". And in perfect syntax of  Latin quality: “having baths make telephones ring’.

TASK4. Write the most uncanny string of events that comes to your mind right now:
.............. ........................ ...................................... ...................................... ................... ...................

TASK5. From the list below rate the items from the most likely to the least winner:
a winning streak  / a lucky strikea long shot :
...............................................> .......................................... >...............................

TASK 6. The definition of long shot is a noun meaning ‘unlikely winner‘. A  long shot applies to two contexts: bets and ventures. Fill in the two possibilities with the appropriate option.  
1. A .................  made at great odds, that is, with only a slight chance of winning
 2. A .................   that offers a great reward if successful but has very little chance of success.

TASK 7. Read the three statements about winners and answer the questions below.

a) Glòria  has a 9-week winning streak, won as project manager more times than anyone else, and she refuses to believe she is a special person!
b) Lluis, the barman who had made this lucky strike, said to Victor "I'm right in the middle of a winning streak. You'll break my luck if you spill the gin and tonic on my hand.
c) Anna had a 15-hit two years ago and a 14-hit last April. Her winning streak is likely to continue this current football     season.

Q1. Which person seems to be the luckiest? ………………….  Q2. The richest? ………………………. 
Q3. What is the reference in each case?  Glòria: …………….   Lluís: ……………. Anna: ……………

TASK 8. Read these sentences about five sport teams and order them from the most  successful to the least one.
a) F. C. Barcelona six-racing winning streak wasn't so impressive anymore
b) Joventut three-game winning streak came to a crashing halt in Girona last weak.
c) Ricoh Manresa tries to start a new winning streak for a team that seems to have fragile morale.
d) The European Series win by Nastic also has given its supporters reason to believe in long-shot luck.
e) Igualada hockey enjoyed the stroke of luck which was needed and got the first win in the season.
     from most  >                        >                                    >                        >                          > to least winner
              ………………….            …………………..            …………….            ………………  ……………….

TASK9.  Complete the definition of ‘luck’ with the words given below.
Luck can be defined as that which .............................  beyond a person's ...................................., or as preparation and ........................  coming together . Luck is often regarded as a ............................   or as a........................   happening of .................................  , but it can be........................   in many ways.
                  fortune      control     interpreted      chance       happens    superstition    opportunity

VOCABULARY. Worksheet 8.1.  Wish me the best of luck                        KEY

TASK1.  (open)

TASK2. Collocations.
deserted            try                          hard                   a stroke              down on someone’s                     tough          ran  out              beginner’s              pure                           bring                          a run                     took a turn         sheer      

2.1. With adjectives, besides good and bad, it collocates with tough , hard   pure or sheer .
2.2. with verbs: push luck,  try  one’s luck,  bring luck, be out of luck, be down on someone’s  luck
2.3. with phrases:  a stroke  of good luck, a run of luck, beginner’s  luck
2.4. as a subject: luck  deserted  someone, luck  ran  out  for the worse,  luck took a turn for the worse

TASK3. Read the following text and underline the unlucky events you find there.
If you have heard the expression when it rains, it pours’ it means that one unlucky independent event, bunches into another. We all know the Murphy’s law: if something can be wrong, it will. For the pessimistic, "Bad things happen in threes". And in perfect syntax of  Latin quality: “having baths make telephones ring’.

TASK4. Write the most uncanny string of events that comes to your mind right now:
..(open) : you may mention some seequence in humourous films

TASK 5. From the list below rate the items from the most likely to the least winner:
a winning streak (a series) > a lucky strike (only one)a long shot

TASK 6. A  long shot applies to two contexts: bets and ventures. Fill in the two possibilities. 
1. A  made at great odds, that is, with only a slight chance of winning
 2. A ....venture ...   that offers a great reward if successful but has very little chance of success.

TASK 7. Read the three statements about winners and answer the questions below.
Q1. Which person seems to be the luckiest? …Anna. (her probabilities are more unlikely)
 Q2. The richest? …Anna.  (football offers the highest prizes)
Q3. Which is the reference in each case?  Glòria: work.   Lluís: …cards.  Anna: football bets

TASK 8. Read these sentences about five sport teams and order them.
  The MOST> Nastic (European contest) > FCBarcelona (6 marches) > Joventut (3 game) > Igualada hockey > and the LEAST > Ricoh Manresa (did NOT win yet)            

TASK9.  Complete the definition of ‘luck’.
Luck can be defined as that which  happens  beyond a person's control,  or as preparation and opportunity coming together . Luck is often regarded as a superstition    or as a chance       happening of  fortune,  but it can be interpreted      in many ways.

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