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Sunday, November 7, 2010

Lang3.1. The uncharted world of grammar. Infinitive matters: Where to start

Lang3. The uncharted world of grammar
Lang3.1.  Infinitive matters: Where to start                              3-4  level                10-15 min

GOAL. To encourage learners to discover the patterns of a grammatical structure.

TASK 1. Answer these questions about .
Q1. Did you say in more than one occasion “I must to do that.” ? ........................
Q2. Do you often doubt the correct type of infinitive in your writing? ........................
Q3. How many forms of infinitives are there in English?  ......................

TASK 2. Observe the classification of this curious grammatical feature. Do these questions.
Q1. Do you know the grammatical names? Write them here:
.............. infinitive //  ................  infinitive  // .................  infinitive
Q2. Which is the most frequent?  ..........................
Q3. Can you explain the use of these infinitives:  
Ø  Without SPEAKING every day I can not pass the exam > . ......................................................
Ø  I used to LIVE in a flat  >  .................................................
Ø  I didn’t know what TO DO >  .................................................

TASK 3. Express yourself about how you work/react with this grammatical feature. Answer the questions below.
Q1. What sentence would you consider the most/least appropiate for your case?
a)    I feel my intuition, which is wrong in less than 40 %
b)     I feel my intuition, which is wrong in more than 40 %
c)    It is a grammar category that doesn’t create much confusion, less than 7% of cases
d)    a direct translation from my language, which causes errors in more than 30%
e)    I apply a direct translation from my language, which causes errors in more than 30%
f)     I am in troubled waters when I try to memorise the lists of verbs (hate, avoid, stop...) 
g)    I get problems when I deal with negative sentences  
Ø  the most appropiate           .......            
Ø  the least appropiate           .........

Q2. Write your own sentence about your problems with infinitives.


TASK 4. Study these three sentences and do the questions below.
Q1. Choose the correct infinitive form:
Ø  I enjoy lear / to learn / learning grammar.
Ø  I know how get / to get  / getting in trouble with the infinitive.
Ø  Let’s do / to do / doing it at once.
Q2. Any doubts? If any, which one(s) and why? ..............................................................
............................................ ...................... ............................................
Q3. Explain the right answer to the third sentence? .................................................

TASK 5. Study these three sentences and answer the questions below.
Q1. Choose the correct negative form.
Ø  I enjoy   not learning / I enjoy don’t learning bad grammar
Ø  I know how  don’t get in trouble with them / I know how not to get in trouble with them
Ø  Let’s don’t do it wrongly / Let’s not do it wrongly
Q2. Any doubts? If any, which one(s) and why? ..............................................................
............................................ ...................... ............................................

TASK 6. Study these examples below and answer the questions.
Q1. What do these three sentences have in common?
       <1> Let it BE / <2> Let’s GO  /  <3> Let my sister KNOW about it     .....................................
Q2. If you look at the syntax pattern there are three items: Let + _______   +  V infinitive.
Circle the middle item:               a) object      b) adjective              c) pronoun
Q3. Can the same structure work with  other verbs (i.e MAKE or HELP)? ............
              <1>  help us do it now     or     <2>  Don’t make my sister cry again

TASK 7. Study these sentences and do the activities below.
Q1. Choose the correct subordinate clause.      <1> I told you that you would repeat the exam .
      <2> I told you that you repeat the exam .
<3>  I told you to repeat the exam .
Q2. Any doubts? If any, which one(s) and why? ..............................................................
............................................ ...................... ............................................

Copy in your notebook all those interesting infinitives you come across in your next reader.

Language work. 3.1. Infinitive matters: The road to discovery       KEY                                                

TASK 1. Observe the classification of these curious grammatical feature. Do these questions.
Q1. Did you say in more than one occasion “I must to do that.” ?  (probably you did).
Q2. Do you often doubt the correct type of infinitive in your writing? (at least, sometimes).
Q3. How many forms of infinitives are there in English?   Three.

TASK 2. Observe the classification of this curious grammatical feature. Do these questions.
Q1. Do you know the grammatical names?
TO  infinitive (TO + V) //  -ING  infinitive  (V+ing) // BARE infinitive  (V)
Q2. Which is the most frequent?  TO  infinitive (TO + V)
Q3. Can you explain the use of these infinitives: 
Without SPEAKING every day I can not pass the exam > after preposition we use V+ing
I used to LIVE in a flat  >   With the ‘used to’ + V (things I did in the past -habits)
I didn’t know what TO DO >  After a WH- word we use TO + V

TASK 3. Express yourself about how you work/react with this grammatical feature.
Q1. What sentence would you consider the most/least appropiate for your case?  (open)
Q2. Write your own sentence about your problems with infinitives.

TASK 4. Study these three sentences and do the questions below.
Q1. Choose the correct infinitive form:
Ø  I enjoy  learning   grammar.
Ø  I know how  to get  in trouble with the infinitive.
Ø  Let’s  do  it at once.
Q2. Any doubts? If any, which one(s) and why?  (open, probably the second one)
Q3. Explain the right answer to the third sentence? With let + object (us) + V.

TASK 5. Study these three sentences and do the questions below.
Q1. Choose the correct negative form.
Ø  I enjoy not learning
Ø  I know how not to get in trouble with them
Ø  Let’s not do it wrongly
Q2. Any doubts? If any, which one(s) and why? (open, probably the second one)
TASK 6. Q1. What do these three sentences have in common?
<1> Let it BE / <2> Let’s GO  /  <3> Let my sister KNOW about it  : The Bare infinitive (be, go, know)
Q2. If you look at the syntax pattern there are three items: Let + ........... +  V infinitive.
Circle the middle item:               a) object      b) adjective              c) pronoun
Q3. Can the same structure work with  other verbs (i.e MAKE or HELP)? Yes, it can.
              <1>  help us do it now     or     <2>  Don’t make my sister cry again

TASK 7. Q1. Choose the correct subordinate clause.  <3>  I told you to repeat the exam.

FOLLOW UP. HINT: Study the grammar units of the use of infinitives

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