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Monday, November 1, 2010

WR 7. A community effort –Dine out in Paris

WR 7. A community effort –Dine out in Paris
WR 7.1  Who’s who in the community                                          3-4-5 level   15 min.

GOAL. To practise your writing skills working on a creative text based on real life characters. In this working sheet we will prepare a 60-word biography of our artists.

TASK 1. Have a look at this info-bits and try to guess who is the person behind them:

Activity one. Reading these Fast Facts who was this famous actress?
1. Born: August 29, 1915 in Stockholm, Sweden  Died: August 29, 1982 in London, England, of cancer.
2. Her daughter Isabella Rossellini became a model and actress.
3. She appeared in over 50 films and acted in five different languages. Fellow actor John Gielgud playfully mocked this ability when he remarked, "She speaks five languages and can't act in any of them.
4. The actress in a classic film (opposite) in 1943.

Activity two. Reorder her name:  INRDGI    NMEABRG

TASK 2. Have a look at this info-bits and try to guess who is the person behind them. Fill in the blanks with these  words:   arguibly  timing   death     war       classics       close     Spanish     

A. "If your pictures aren't good enough, you're not  ....................  enough," he used to say.
B.  ....................  of Loyalist Militiaman Frederico Borrell Garcia, Cerro Muriano (Cordoba Front) has been the definite snapshot of the .................. Civil war.
C. Because of his proximity to the victim and the ..................... of the capture, there was a long controversy about the authenticity of this photograph.
D. His D-Day photos have become .............. One of them, depicting a GI struggling through the churning
surf of Omaha Beach, has survived as the definitive picture of the WWII (1939-45).

E. He was ................. one of the best and one of the most dedicated ......... photographers.
                     Robert AAPC.
Name: Robert  :..........

TASK3. Fill in the dates of these Fast Facts about this famous artist:
            1936    1938     1943    1944    1945    1954

In July of ……….. Capa joined Life Magazine and accompanied Allied troops to Sicily. He covered the landing and invasion of Omaha beach known as D-Day in  …….. and  took 108 pictures in the first couple of hours of the invasion. However, only eleven frames in total were publishable.
His  life was cut short when he volunteer to shoot a confrontation on battlefield in Indochina on May 25,  ...............
Robert …….. made his first big impression world in  ……………..wide when he captured a Loyalist soldier falling to his death in the Spanish Civil war.
In ………..  he Covers the Japanese invasion of China.
He continued to photograph in World War II and captured the Liberation of Paris in …….

BACKGROUND. Our characters met in real life. In Paris, the city of light. In the lobby of the Ritz hotel. The year: 1945, when the Hollywood actress was in her way to entertain the Allied troops in Germany. Robert Capa was out of work and enjoying company with writer Irwing Shaw.

TASK4. Write out a short telegram to submit a formal invitation to dine out?

Subject: inviting you to dinner this evening    6.6.45. Paris. France
To: Miss Ingrid Bergman


We will call you at 6:15
Signed: Bob Capa and Irwing Shaw.

TASK 5. As you know artists have some proper ways to seduce. Capa wanted a photograph of Ingrid Berman in the bath and was true to his aim. Do both tasks.

activity one. From the following phrases which ones could be more possibly used in a formal invitations to dine out?
Ø  >I have doubtful qualities           
Ø  after consultation I discovered I had not enough money
Ø  >it was suggested that flowers might be sent  
Ø  If I write much more I will have no conversation left

activity two. Write a more enthusiastic note using some of the previous phrases.




TASK 6. As you may have guessed the actress accepted the offer. Read the invented answer and answer the two questions.

Q1. Would you have contacted through
a)    a written a message of acceptance
b)    a phone call through the switch operator
c)    another telegram
Q2. How likely is this make-up reply?
Q3. How successful would it have been?

Dear Friends,
I’m certainly pleased to meet you. I’ve read loads of stories about you and your camera Mr Capa, and read a couple of your witty novels, Mr Shaw.
By now we are in Paris and war is over. My only request is to leave this sad, bloody part of our lives outside the dinner and try to enjoy the meal.

TASK 7. As you may have guessed the actress accepted the offer. Read the invented answer and write the body [....] of the message yourself on the lines below.

   RE/Dinner 6.6.45. Paris. France
   To: Mr.  Capa & Mr Shaw
I’m delighted [at your offer ...., but I] always refuse invitations without flowers. Waiting for you at agreed time.
Signed: Ingrid Bergman

at your offer .............................................................................................................................
....................... ................................................................................................. ..., but I

TASK 8. Write here a short bio data (60-70 words) for one artist: Ingrid Bergman or Robert Capa.

....................... ......................................................................................................................
....................... ......................................................................................................................
....................... ......................................................................................................................

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